I really wanted to write a long and detailed post about all of them, but considering it has already been a month and I had only gotten as far as the second dinner, I had to throw in the towel. Instead, I will just give you a general recap:
The nine dinners we made it to were:
1. Dec. 19(lunch)-Grandmother Parker's with my cousin Amy's family
2. Dec. 20(lunch)-Great Aunt Elaine's (Pops' sister)
3. Dec. 21(supper)-Nana and PawPaw's (Marty's parents) with Uncle Jason and Aunt Lainey
4. Dec. 24(lunch)-Grandma Stanley's (Marty's great-grandmother) at Arkadelphia
5. Dec. 24(lunch)-Grandma Estelle's (Marty's grandma) with Great Aunt Shanna
6. Dec. 24(supper)-Nanny's with Great-Great-Aunt Cathy
7. Dec. 25(lunch)-Grandma-Great's(Marty's Grandma Ravenna)
8. Dec. 25(after lunch)-Papa Green's
9. Dec. 26(lunch)-Grandmother Parker's with Great Uncle Lynn
WHEW! It took me a while just to figure out all of that! I added on those who came from out of town to be with us. We had a great time everywhere we visited, and Carson got to open presents at every stop. He has no shortage of clothes and toys this year! It never ceases to amaze me how truly blessed we are with family and friends and all our needs being met. GOD IS GREAT!!! Carson's first Christmas was a BLESSED one that we can cherish forever. Here are some snapshots of the action:

Little Santa Carson with Great-Great Grandma Stanley

Our new "Rock Band", The Farrtblossoms! Uncle Jason bought the family Wii Rock Band for Christmas and we've been rockin' out ever since!

PawPaw and Nana with Little Elf Carson

Cousin Audrey holding Carson at Grandmother Parker's

Carson with Great-Grandmother Parker

All the great-grandkids at Grandma Ravenna's: Tyler, Lacey, Layne holding Carson, Logan, Mason, Dylan

The "reindeer butt" at Granny's...cousin Parker had a "reindeer butt" that night too! Aunt Nissa texted Uncle Eric a picture so we could see it.

Concentrating on this "present-opening business" at Nanny's. He got so tired of opening presents by the time Christmas was over, he would cry when he saw one!

With Granny at Nanny's house on Christmas Eve night

The best picture ever...SMILEY Carson Claus with Great-Grandma Estelle
And of course, Santa himself paid Carson a visit at home. Our first family Christmas morning: