Nothing really new with us lately. Mommy has been very, very busy with work and school and Carson and writing letters to Uncle Eric at basic training, so she has not had a moment to actually finish any posts she has started on here. (I love how as a parent you now refer to everyone, including yourself, in third person! I digress...) Of course, I say nothing is new, but with a growing boy there is always something new going on! Carson's new nickname is Roly-Poly.

He has finally learned how to roll both ways, so now he is putting that to use to move around from one place to another. He is definitely a hoot to watch! He's also fun to listen to, as he is babbling alot and cackling at things. He mostly loves to laugh at our feet when we wiggle them at him. Well, if he's in the right mood anything will make him laugh! One night I had to make kissy-faces all through supper to keep him entertained, because that was the only thing that was making him laugh and he kept staring at me to do something! He also has found a new sound to make that can only be described as a screech, and it sounds horrible! If you didn't know what it was, it would definitely make you run into the room to make sure nobody was torturing the poor baby! Last night he did it ALOT; it was cracking me up, but I told Dada we were both going to be deaf now.
As for his diet, they have lowered the amount of regular formula in his formula recipe, so now we use mostly Phenex-1, his special protein formula. He gets more phe from his food: rice cereal and now green beans, squash, carrots, or a mixture of them. I can't wait until we get his next levels back. I'm hoping we can give him more food and start some new kinds. This will be the last week of his 2-week trial on carrots, so I can't wait to see what's next! I bought some bananas and pears because I remember the nutritionist saying he could have those when we start fruits. I am already getting worried about people trying to get him to taste things. We are going to have to be stern with friends and family, which I think I can handle, I just don't know about Dada! I've already had some issues with a few people, but everyone has been told about his condition. I guess people we don't see or talk to directly often forget. We are really looking for tips on how to handle this issue properly. It is a big deal in our community because there are always occasions that involve food. For example, Marty's Great-Grandma Stanley's 90th birthday party.

It was a pot-luck dinner and cake. I find myself now always looking at foods, even in the grocery store, to determine if it's something Carson can eat. I'm getting myself prepared! If anybody out there has any ideas, I'd love to hear them! Marty and I have had a lot of adventures in our life together, and I just see this as another adventure to come. I am enjoying every minute I can of Carson's life, when I'm with him, or when I'm preparing things for him.
Next venture...taking Carson on vacation. For now, it is ok because we still do formula and baby food. Still, looking for any tips here too. I have actually found some good travel tips online somewhere, I just don't remember where I found them! I will be looking again, and looking forward to any comments here. In April, presumably, we will be traveling to San Antonio for my brother's Air Force basic training graduation. This will be Carson's first trip! We are planning to fly and stay in a hotel for a couple of days and visit family while we are out there. Then in May, lookout, we are going on a 10-DAY trip out west! YIKES!!! We will have lots of family and friends there to help. We are traveling with our usual travel group from New Temple Baptist Church, including our travel agent, her husband, their daughter, son-in-law and now 3 granddaughters! The twins have a new little sister that we have dubbed Carson's new girlfriend! She is a couple of months older than him, which is closer than any of my friends' little girls. Also, Marty's parents, his grandmother, and now my Nanny is coming with us for her first time with our group. So Carson will have Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Paw-Paw, Grandma Great AND Nanny! How blessed are we? Praise the Lord!