As I reflect on the first year of Carson's life, my thoughts of course immediately go to PKU. As much as you try to make life adapt to your new normal and not make it a big deal, it becomes that much more an important part of every day life. I spend alot of time planning and researching and shopping, even just thinking about things Carson can eat and things he will need in the future. I make it a priority in my life so hopefully it will be easier for him when he gets older. Even so, this is something I LOVE doing. I am enjoying every minute of it, and I do not view it as a burden at all. It is fun for me to shop for things and try new foods, and I am going to try to make it fun for him too. Just like every other part of life, I see it as an adventure. We have all come a long way from crying in that doctor's office; now our visits to the clinic are spent chasing Carson around the room!
Babies grow SO fast and make such tremendous leaps in development their first year. It has been a miracle for me to actually witness this for the first time. It seems like just yesterday I could lay Carson down for a nap on the couch and not even worry about him rolling off, and now he can get himself down and walk away! I suppose the main step he hasn't made so far is talking. No actual words yet, just babble. But like everything else we've been through, I know he will do it when he gets good and ready.
One of the neatest things about Carson's first year of life is how many places he has been. Marty made the comment one time that Carson has been to more states in his first 9 months than many people have ever been in their whole lifetime! That's true. I know that he will never remember it, but we have lots of pictures and videos to show him when he gets older, as proof! So far Carson has been to Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado, and Florida. He has seen the Alamo, Yellowstone National Park, Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands, Crazy Horse, the Rocky Mountains, and a Gulf Coast Beach. That sure is alot of traveling for one little guy! I look forward to the future and hope that we will get to take him to many, many more places.

For Carson's first birthday party, I tried to keep it as small as I could and invite only immediate family. On his birthday, Monday, August 16th, 2010, I grilled a Carson-friendly meal and made a low-protein birthday cake.

We had grilled squash, zucchini, carrots, and pineapple; white rice with strawberry pineapple salsa, and jerk chicken (only thing not Carson-friendly). Carson still ate mostly baby food, so he tasted of some of the rice, but nothing else. He of course played in his cake, but did not eat any of it. Those in attendance were Nana and PawPaw, Granny and Pops, Nanny, and Uncle Jason.

The weekend just before Carson's birhtday, we had celebrations with other sides of the family too.

On Saturday, August 14, we had a get-together at Papa Steve and Glenda's with Grandmother, Uncle Eric (who was home visiting...yea!), Aunt Nissa and cousins Ellie and Parker (who just moved back from Texas...yea again!). We got to swim in the pool, which is Carson's favorite thing (water)

and Parker taught Carson how to climb a step.

On Sunday, August 15, 2010, we went to Papa Green and Nanny Judy's after church with Granny and Pops, Uncle Darwin, and cousin Caleb.

All in all, it was a very eventful birthday weekend...a fitting way to wrap up Carson's First Year.
To Carson, I want to say Mommy loves you very much. We are so blessed to have a little boy like you. You are the sunshine in our lives that lights up every day. God made you perfect no matter what anyone else may say. I'm so thankful for our first year together and thankful that I get to be your Mommy. I am having so much fun and I enjoy every minute I get to take care of you. I pray for God to always bless you, keep you safe, happy, and healthy. I love you! Happy First Birthday!