Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Music to My Ears

Whenever any parent expresses eagerness for a child to reach a milestone, it is usually met by many a veteran parent with a word of reassurance or encouragement, and an anecdote about their own
Even talking with his mouth full!
 Happy Cinco de Mayo!
experiences.  I have been told several times over the last few years that I just think I wish Carson would hurry up and talk; be careful what I wish for, because once he starts talking he won't stop and I'll be wishing he would just be quiet.  I have always said no I won't, because I would be thrilled for him to be able to talk and communicate with us instead of this struggle, wondering what he is trying to tell us and not knowing what he is thinking about anything, and I still feel that way.

Carson has been in speech therapy for about a year and a half now.  What I have learned from the therapists, including all the ones who have evaluated him, and the handouts they have given me, has helped more than anything they have done with him personally.  But I don't think any of that effort is what has helped his language to flourish recently.  I think it has just taken time, growth, desire on his part, and a lot of answered prayers.

About 2 weeks ago, I asked Carson if he wanted something, or wanted to do something, I don't remember the specific question.  For years I have always talked with him as if he would answer me, even though he never has answered a yes/no question (verbally).  I usually follow up by giving him a choice or trying to show him what I am talking about.  This time, to my disbelief, he actually said "No thank you!"!!!  Just like he had been saying it all along, even though he never had!  I almost passed out!  We still haven't heard him say yes, but just being able to tell us no for the first time in his life, instead of screaming, is such a HUGE step, relief, and major breakthrough.  It sure does prevent a lot of meltdowns.  Hallelujah!  God is good!

Another breakthrough he has had, at the same time, is that he can finally tell us what he has done during the day, when we ask him, and even when not asked.  He sometimes just walks up to me when I pick him up in the evenings and tells me random words and phrases that have to do with what he did that day.  He says things like, "ride tractor Paw-Paw" or "Granny Walmart".  He talked for at least two days about how we went to the doctor to get medicine, "went to doctor get medicine".  I am amazed!

I know he will continue to grow and develop language, but it amazes me what a chatterbox he is now!  He seriously talks all the time, it's just been a matter of what he talks about, answering questions, and how he communicates what he is thinking, feeling, or remembering.  To see this new start has been a step in a very hopeful direction!

My first sucker!
(one word we have not yet mastered)
Carson is not the only chatterbox in the house, though.  Maggie has been tuning up her pipes now and her language is blossoming too!  She is trying to learn new words constantly, and she jabbers all the
time.  She's going to be like her daddy!  LOL (wink, wink!)  It is awesome for me to see how Maggie's language grows so quickly at this age, in contrast to the way Carson's didn't.  This is a new experience for me.  Knowing that Maggie is seemingly on track with her language gives me such relief and hope that maybe she won't have those delays.

I know most people wish their kids would just be quiet, but for me, the sound of my babies chatting up a storm (instead of just screaming all the time) is long-awaited music to my ears!

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